Car accidents are sudden, violent events that may have leave a long-term mental and physical impact on a person. Although, there are certain car accident symptoms that may be immediately noticeable, other symptoms may take 24-48 hours to manifest.
Here is a list of top 3 immediate car accident symptoms that require prompt medical attention:
1. Facial Injuries: These injuries are painful and traumatic. They result due to hitting of steering wheel or loose object. Usually, facial skin, teeth, facial bone and other features may get damaged.
2. Cuts and Scrapes: Deeps cuts and scrapes that require stitches and bandages may occur. Loose teeth and broken bones need surgery. These are one of the more obvious signs of injury after a disaster.
3. Burns: This results when the car catches fire or hot oils and gases drip on the person after an accident. Depending on the degree of burns it may cause severe pain, scarring and disfigurement. The severity of burn may vary from first degree to fourth degree.
Sometimes, superficial injuries may not occur. However, it is important to keep a person surviving car crash under supervision to look for signs of delayed car accident injuries symptom.

Here is a list of top 4 delayed car accident injuries symptom to look out for:
1. Headaches: They are common after a vehicle accident. But, sometimes they may be sign of life-threatening problem like blood clot in the brain or a severe concussion.
2. Neck or shoulder pain and stiffness: Whiplash is a classic delayed car accident injuries symptom. Whiplashes occur due to rear end vehicular collision and require CT scans or MRIs for proper diagnosis.
3. Back pain: Lower back pain occurs after an accident due to injuries in muscles, ligaments or vertebrae and nerve damage.
4. Abdominal swelling and pain: This indicates internal bleeding and includes bruising, dizziness and fainting symptoms. Internal bleeding can go unnoticed for days but it is a life-threatening condition and needs to be immediately addressed by a trained medical personnel.
Long-term problems post car accident can be treated using chiropractic methods. For more information on car accident specialized cares visit our official website